
Content Curation

Content curation is a valuable strategy for all content marketers. More than simply re-sharing content, curation is a way to provide extra value to your followers while highlighting your own industry expertise.
Curated content is content created by others that you select to share with your own audience. This could be a valuable blog post from a company in your field, expert advice from a relevant thought leader, or anything else that you think your audience will appreciate and enjoy.





Social Media Process

Phase 1

Fill gaps in your content calendar

As part of your content marketing strategy, you should be posting content to various social networks multiple times per week.
The bulk of that content will likely be produced in-house. But if your social media content calendar has some gaps, curated content is an easy fix. Sharing valuable content from others is a low-budget way to maintain a regular posting schedule.
Phase 1

Phase 2

Provide value to your followers

Your followers follow you for a reason. They want to know what you think about your area of expertise. They want to learn from you and improve their own lives or skills in some way.
When you carefully select content to share with your followers, you provide them with additional value by giving them access to multiple perspectives.
Phase 2

Phase 3

Establish yourself as a thought leader

Your take should always be clear. Just an introductory sentence or two adds a ton of extra value. If you can add a unique perspective, it will also help build your reputation as someone who really understands what’s happening in your field.
Phase 3

Phase 4

Build your network

Sharing other people’s content is a great way to get on their radar, especially if your post sends some extra traffic their way.
Phase 4

Phase 5

Pick the best social media management tool

Picking the best tools for social media management will not only make the various tasks easier, but it’ll also save you a boatload of time. Most social media marketing tools come with a free trial, and it’s advisable to test out a few tools before making any final decision.
Phase 5

We Promise. We Deliver.

Content curation shouldn’t be a tedious, tiresome task. If you follow these steps, you can easily curate content successfully on your social media accounts, which, ideally, will help put you ahead of your competitors. At Webster, we consider every content curation step as significant and knowing these steps helps you stay aware of the entire process, understand why and how certain content trends while others don’t. Let us help you curate content for your business.