
Digital Adverts

Changes within society have marked the last few years in the way we relate. With technology increasingly present in our routine, we spend most of our time connected. Companies also needed to change their communications, and knowing what is digital advertising has become essential.
Digital advertising is the communication made by a company to advertise and promote its brand, product, or service using various platforms and digital channels. It consists of actions in web browsers, social media pages, blogs, apps, or any other form of contact through the Internet.


Display Ads

Social Media Ads

Email Marketing

Digital Adverts Process

Phase 1

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Within the possibilities of advertising on search engines, the Search Engine Marketing strategy stands out in two different techniques: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and paid advertising. SEO represents a set of techniques and strategies to generate organic traffic.
Phase 1

Phase 2

Display Advertising

Closer to the idea of traditional advertising, using the display means creating images and text to attract the user’s attention. The most common method is using banner displays and ad spaces within websites specific to your audience.
For one e-commerce of sports articles, for example, the pages of a sports news portal can be a good place for the display ads. However, visual ads are excellent ways to capture the user’s attention and ensure that they click on your message.
Phase 2

Phase 3

Social Media Ads

Social media is undoubtedly one of the most efficient channels to talk to your audience. The number of active users on Facebook is 2.5 million, while YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram add another 4.5 million together. On average, studies show that users spend nearly one hour a day on these channels.
For those who want to strengthen brand awareness and their digital presence, it is essential to be present on these platforms and promote their products and services. In an organic or paid way, it is possible to reach many people and, better, in a segmented way. With relatively lower spending, social media is also a great channel for digital advertising.
Phase 3

Phase 4

Email Marketing

The first point, get qualified subscribers, is something that your business will do organically, by offering high-quality content to the audience.
You can also segment your list, to make sure the audience is passing through the funnel, getting content to every stage of the buyer’s journey.
Phase 4

We Promise. We Deliver.

Creating digital adverts, your business shouldn’t be a tedious, tiresome task. If you follow these steps, you can easily formulate a successful digital advertisement plan, which, ideally, will help put you ahead of your competitors. At Webster, we consider every digital advert step significant, no matter how small or big the project is. Knowing these steps helps you stay aware of the entire process, understand why and how things get done and give you control over the project. Let us help you with your Digital Advertising needs.