
Social Media

Social media has become the most influential and important virtual space where the platform is not only used for social networking but is also a great way of digitally advertising your brand and your products.
Social media’s power is commendable as you get to reach a large number of people within seconds of posting an ad, helping you reduce your costs, and making your ads reach out to your potential audience through these social media advertisements.
With the huge number of online users, which is almost 59% of the world’s population, marketers must not miss out on their chance of marketing on these digital forums where they can reach all the maximum number of potential buyers compared with print or television media marketing.





Social Media Process

Phase 1

Know your target audience

Are you sure that you’ve chosen the right social media channel/s to invest your time and resources in? Selecting the right social media platforms is a must in order to create a successful social media marketing process for your business. Find out which social media platforms your potential customers use, how much time they spend on social media, what times they’re most active, and how they interact with each other.
Phase 1

Phase 2

Set goals

Goal setting is the cornerstone for any successful social media marketing strategy – if you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, you have nothing to measure your performance against.
Phase 2

Phase 3

Identify key success metrics

After determining the goals of your social media marketing strategy, next you need to identify your key success metrics to measure their effectiveness. If selling through social media is your main motive, you should focus on referral traffic to your website and subsequent conversion. Measure sentiment if building your brand image is your key objective.
Phase 3

Phase 4

Audit your current social media presence

You’ve outlined your target audience, you’ve set clear goals for your efforts, and you’ve identified your key success metrics. Now you need to audit your current social media marketing presence to see how it lines up.
You should always audit your current social media presence according to the goals of your social media marketing plan. Make sure you check every element that’ll have an impact on your end goals.
Phase 4

Phase 5

Pick the best social media management tool

Picking the best tools for social media management will not only make the various tasks easier, but it’ll also save you a boatload of time. Most social media marketing tools come with a free trial, and it’s advisable to test out a few tools before making any final decision.
Phase 5

Phase 6

Create and curate content

The success or failure of your social media marketing strategy will come down to the content you create and curate. When you’re creating or curating content for social media, the key is to ensure that the content you share is audience-specific. This will help you maximize engagement and boost brand awareness.
Phase 6

Phase 7

Analyze and optimize

Even the best social media marketers formulate their social marketing plans through a level of trial and error – analyzing the data to optimize social media strategies is critical to the success of your social media marketing plan. Also, by tracking and analyzing the key elements, as denoted in your social marketing plan, you’ll be able to boost the ROI of your efforts.
Phase 7

We Promise. We Deliver.

Creating a social media plan for your business shouldn’t be a tedious, tiresome task. If you follow these steps, you can easily formulate a successful social media plan, which, ideally, will help put you ahead of your competitors. At Webster, we consider every social media marketing step as significant, no matter how small or big the project is. Knowing these steps helps you stay aware of the entire process, understand why and how things get done and give you control over the project. Let us help you with your social media marketing.